Investment Strategies

Low Interest Rates, Market Volatility, and Your Retirement

Planning for retirement is never a "set it and forget it" activity. There are unexpected disasters, market drops, and changing laws that invariably cause retirees to reevaluate their plans of action. Recently, market volatility and the Federal Reserve’s decision to cut interest rates may have you wondering how to respond. Here's what to consider when it comes to low interest rates, market volatility, and your retirement. What is Your Risk Tolerance? If the recent coronavirus correction [...]

Make the Most of Your 401(k)

We all know that a 401(k) is one of the most important retirement planning tools we have: The potential tax benefits and power of compound interest can make it a great savings and investment tool for anyone who practices financial discipline and contributes regularly. But your contributions aren’t the only things to consider when figuring out how to make the most of your 401(k). First, you should get a copy of your 401(k)’s summary plan description [...]

2019-08-05T17:28:09+00:00August 5, 2019|Investment Strategies, Retirement Planning|
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