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A no obligation complimentary look into your retirement plan.
A New Way To Think About Retirement
You spend your whole life saving, building, and growing your assets in order to make it to this eventual dream called retirement. As you near retirement you have to make a mental paradigm shift, which is that now you are going to have to rely on these assets to replace that paycheck you no longer receive. In other words, you now have to shift your investment focus from growth to income.
At Epstein & White, we recognize that you’ve had help from professionals who specialize in growing your retirement savings and assets along the way. However, now that you’ve made this shift into the retirement income phase of your life, shouldn’t the person guiding you through retirement also have a focus and financial expertise in income rather than growth? It’s vital to have a custom road map that is designed to show exactly what part of your overall wealth will be used to provide income in any given year, be able to adjust that income for inflation going forward, and to help assure you that you can’t outlive that income. Without a proper income plan and a scientific approach, can you be certain that by drawing down your investments, you won’t run out of money before you run out of time? We’re here to take away that black cloud of uncertainty and design that comprehensive, custom retirement road map and help make the transition from growth to income as comfortable as possible.